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Oct 6, 2003

The Shower 

The Shower, the Chinese(Mandarin) movie is about the story of a father and his sons. Set in a Beijing bathhouse (such places still exist!!!) its the story of the owner of the bath house, the aging father and his sons, the elder son who is holding a respectable job somewhere up north and who rushes home thinking that his father has passed away and the younder son who is retarded and is his father's assistant and companion.

Its a subtle story, lightly told, with its own undercurrent of humor, never becomes suffocatingly sentimental and has almost an all male cast. Its interesting to see the culture, watch the bath house tales unfold - like two men and their fighting crickets, a singer with stage fright who won't shut his mouth once he's in the shower, the adorable younger son who is the soul of the place and is a naughty but likeable and helpful kid. Watch it if you have a taste for foreign movies and could let go Hollywood for a while.


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