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Jun 19, 2024

Bananas are coming home to roost from all the banana republics the United Fruit Company had planted. FBI has been disbanded, Canadian $ is the $ of choice, trading at several times the value of the American one and Texas and California have joined hands against the sitting President who is on his third term - the civil war is on.

From the director of other such disturbing classics with uplifting BGM like Annihilation and Ex Machina and the writer of 28 Days Later, Alex Garland, this dystopian peep into what is still a possibility, is a bold move for this time in U.S history.  

A bunch of journalists are the lead characters in this film which helps the director justify the detached and neutral observer track the film tries to stay on. Kirsten Dunst, as the de-sensitized photo journalist Lee is amazing and Brazilian actor Wagner Moura, the other lead just about keeps up with Dunst. I am not really sold on the waif like-wannabe-photo-journalist Jesse. Maybe Jesse's character was the only way some thematic depth and chaos could be added to the story. Otherwise it would be a war-road trip movie about some hardened (photo)journalists chasing a civil war without making many foolish decisions that might put their and their compatriots' lives at risk. Less drama overall, which is not something that sells a movie.

The film hits you hard with the imagery and symbolism of United State of America as a war torn country. The effect is amplified by mind blowing sound and music tracks. Modern warfare and the devastation that it brings along have never crossed into this nation of interstate highways, perfect lawns with even more perfect sprinkler systems and a god assigned in perpetuity to shower blessings on it. Here is hoping this empire does not fall this way. God (really need to) Bless the USA (this time.)


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